Ethereal Feature List
- Self Options
- Health
- Wanted Options
- Funny Options
- Proofs
- Visions
- Appearances
- Movements
- Free Camera
Online Features
- Player List
- Selected Player Options:
- Spectate
- Player Marking
- Teleport
- Griefing
- Remote
- Removal
- Vehicle Controller
- Bodyguards
- Friendly Options
- Overseer
- Player List Settings
- All Players Options
- R* ID Joiner
- Spoofers
- Protections
- Session Alerts
- Host Toolkit
- Global Services
- Friend List
- History Players
- Modder Detections
- Session Launcher Options
- Player Tracker
- Special Weapons
- Aimbot
- Aiming Animations
- Get All Weapons
- Get All MK2 Weapons
- Remove All Weapons
- Refill Ammo
- Toggles in Weapon Section:
- Unlimited Ammo
- Explosive Ammo
- Flaming Ammo
- Explosive Melee
- Rapid Fire
- Display Crosshair
- Hide Crosshair
- Bypass C4 Limit
- Bypass Flare Limit
- Spawn Vehicle
- Los Santos Customs
- Auto Drive Options
- Vehicle Weapon Options
- Vehicle Movement Options
- Vehicle Proof Section
- Vehicle Multipliers
- Invincible Vehicle
- Seat Belt
- Speedometer
- Rainbow Vehicle
- Auto Repair Vehicle
- Disable Lock by Missiles
- Max Upgrade Vehicle
- Delete Current Vehicle
- Make Vehicle Dirty
- Flip Back
- Repair Vehicle
- TP to Waypoint
- TP to Mission Point
- Auto TP to Waypoint
- Waypoint Guide
- Direction Transfer
- Custom TP Point
- Common Places TPs
- Money Options
- Mission Options
- Unlock Options
- Rank Options
- Clear All Reports
- Clear Mental States
World Options
- Control Nearby NPC
- Control Nearby Vehicles
- World Colors
- Clear Area
- Clouds Editor
- Change Weather
- Custom Time Editor
- Riot Mode
- Kill All Enemies
- Force Lightning
- Special Options
- Mobile TV
- Disable Options
- Disable Orbital Canon Cooldown
- Force Footstep
- Force Tire Tracks
- Display FPS
- A Potato Mode 🙂
- Developer Mode
- Force Restart Game
Lua Script
- Refresh Lua List
- Unload All Lua Scripts
- Auto Safe Mode
- UI Settings
- Language Settings
- Keybinds
- Menu Config
- X and Y Position Settings
- Custom Menu Width
- Press X to Use Mouse
- Show Welcome Banner